Let’s have a look at how we can capture and record your user's screen. Not just your page, but also other tabs of the user's browser, the desktop, and even other applications. And we will do that without browser plugins or huge libraries. Instead, we just need 19 lines of Vanilla JavaScript. To achieve this, we will use the Media Capture and Streams API. It’s related to the WebRTC API, but for now, we ignore all the peer-to-peer streaming between browsers and just do a very bare-bones recording. Time Stamps : 1. Create a video stream of the users desktop - 2:21 2. Record this stream 3:37 3. Show it in the video-tag 5:01 Source Code : https://github.com/Proxlight/Screen-Recorder.git Check out my beginner Python series : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLi3fckH40FL5me5NfRfhfLDYf1du3KMRo Feel free to leave any questions.😊 Please consider subscribing if you liked this video : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZY5SODGdRzOeD_lHCzPdKg Thanks for watching everyone! #JavaScript​ #screen​ #recorder #19_Lines_code